Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Liquor free tiramisu cake

For the Syrup: 
1 large coffee mug hot water (not boiling!)
1 tb sp milk 1 tb sp Nescafe
1 pack of Kopi O
1 tb sp sugar ( I omited this since the instant coffee has already contained sugar).

 For the Creme Filling: 
3 tb sp plain flour
1/2 lt milk
2 egg yolks (get rid of the whites!)
1/2 cup sugar
1 pk mascarpone cheese (250 gr)

 For the Base: 1 pk shortbread sponge finger type biscuits (i choose to use the traditional type of biscuits for eating with coffee coz it's cheaper and can be eaten alone if i have any leftover). It looks something like this.
Get ready the deep dish tray to prepare your tiramisu. Get one extra plate to prepare 2nd layer biscuit. Lay the biscuits flat. Place the base layer in the tray, and the top/second layer on the extra plate. Mix the syrup ingredients in the mug.
1. With a spoon, pour the mixed syrup over the biscuits. Make sure they are moistened well, but you need to be careful not to over do it. :) Remember that you need to pick up each piece and lay it over the base later, so moist enough that the syrup has seeped through the entire biscuit, but not so moist that it melts away. :)) You will know what I mean when you are doing it. It's a very easy recipe! So all biscuits on both plates need to be moistened

2. Now, get a pot and chuck in all the ingredients for the creme filling EXCEPT for the Mascarpone cheese I prefer to mix it with a whisk all throughout the process so there are no clumps in the end. I find that if I use the blender, it becomes too... hmmm, what's the word for it?.. bahhhh I can't remember the exact word, but it doesn't get as thick as it should. So try and avoid the blender if you can. I also put my stove to medium-medium high rather than high.

3. Once it's almost done, this is what it should look like. Nice, thick, and creamy with bubbles plop plop plopping. :) Now, at this stage, I advise you remove the pot from the stove to prevent the creme from sticking to the bottom of the pot, and start emptying the Mascarpone cheese into the pot.

4. Once you have added the Mascarpone cheese, place the pot back onto the stove and probably have your stove down to low at this point, and continue to mix with the whisk for a couple minutes until you see that the cheese has completely blended in to form an even thicker creme. When that is done, remove the pot from the stove and probably leave it to cool a little bit for approximately 5 minutes. It doesn't need to be cold.
5. Start pouring the creme onto your base. Make sure all the biscuits are covered in the filling.

6. Once you have covered the base with creme, start transferring the biscuits that were moistened on the other plate onto your base. I would recommend that you transfer them with your hands rather than using other utensils, because at this stage they are very prone to breaking. It's ok if they break into two or something, just lay them accordingly. As you can see in the above photo, my middle bikkie broke in half. :)

7. Once you have completed laying the second layer of biscuits, repeat the same process. Cover the entire layer with the remaining creme.
8. so it should look similar to this... depending on the type of plate/tray you use. I prefer to use a deep dish which prevents all the creme from spilling out. You cover your dish with a cover, or wrap with cling wrap. Place in refrigerator for it to set for approximately 2-3 hours. The more it waits, the better it sets and tastes. So I usually make my Tiramisu late at night, and it is ready to serve any time during the day. If you are going to make it for evening guests, make it in the morning, and it will be ready in the afternoon/evening.

9. When it is ready to serve, sprinkle with cocoa powder and some chocolate flakes with your own preference.

modified recipes of :

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