Monday, September 15, 2008

I trade like a kimono trader

Attended forex training with hubby.
It is an extension of life transforming session for me ever since Dr Aaron course on Rich People Poor People.
It still ring in my head, vividly so clear, on what Dr Aaron had mentioned ---- "If you dont like money, give it to me coz i know how to transfer it to those people who really needs them."
It's true that in my money profile, i had that " i dont deserve that dirty money" thinking in me.

But as of now, thinking of the thoughts of being able to channel what i have earned to the children who needs them for their education and other life sustaining nessacities, it really wet my eyes.

It is not solely about becoming a kimomo trader. It is about life transforming opportunity which i wanted to share with the children. Not children biologically from me, but to all those children that are in needs. Such as those in Myanmar, in Sichuan, etc etc....

It ached my conscience if i cant do anything for you, my children, and i mean the children of the world!

This is for you! From the bottom of my heart!