Sunday, March 9, 2008

Election day

This is my third time casting vote.
This is the only time that i had a sudden gush of sadness flowing in me when i cross on the little boxes.
GOing back to my alma meter to cast vote bring back a lot of nostalgic memory too.
Be it about the atmosphere that i had along together with my teachers, my classmates and also the activities that we had. With my teachers and classmates and friends, it's about relationship and nothing else. It had never cross my mind on who we are, what races we were. I remember so well that we would gather at Cikgu Majmin house during Raya, and went to Mrs. Ho house for Chrstimas and going to Mrs Puah house for a last visit before she was transferred to another state. We went all the way to Noraini house for rendang and ketupat in the middle of a paddy field.

But when we were running our very own Chinese language society, there is always a sense of belongingness among us who self declared ourselves to be very "pro chinese". Come on during that time, we really need more to commit to take up Chinese subject so that we have enough quota for a class. And moreover, what's wrong with taking up your mother tongue language after learning it for more than 9 years? There were so much talk and sensation going on.... I just love the way we did it, though seem to be a bit aggressive, but that's how it taught me how to appreciate our own culture more.

I must admit having borned, raised and had my education here, i really regard this piece ofland as truly my my blood. No matter what, this is my place i called home. i wish that we could live in true sense of harmony and belongingness..... oh i wish that justice and peace can be seen everywhere.

May there be peace, harmony and justice.
May all who win be the guiding light of the rest of the people.
May all who lost be prepared to continue to serve the people as this is only a journey not a destiny.