Friday, December 26, 2008

Muffin Making Day

The girls are still in their pantang period of their chicken pox....We are really glad for this outbreak to come at the right time, i.e. school holiday means no school skipping.

They are really bored and muffin making is just the best happening for today!
I got to take away the egg in the ingredient and leave with just flour, milk, baking powder, cooking oil & sugar. And Jo Ee was actually the one who remember what we need to make muffin.

They started with putting some paper muffin cups on the muffin tray but i suggested to them why dont they start with sth play play here. They were so excited knowing that they are reall going to make all by themselves. Not like previously mummy will be the leader and they can only follow the leader.

So i wrote a simplified recipe with 1 cup flour, 1 tsp baking powder(got to leave out soda bicarbonate coz its really a spontaneous session and i have run out of it), 1/2 cup sugar, 1 cup milk(they have to mix and pour with the milk powder to come out with this measurement), 1/2 cup cooking oil.

Jo Ee took the lead. So one 6 yrs old is leading a 3 yr old in the cooking class now.
But then Jo Ee realize that the texture didnt turn out to be what we usually make, so she suggested that we add in more water to make it more dense. So she add in 1/2 cup water again. (But I am really not sure if this is what they add.)

My job is just to place them into the oven and watch them "grow".

The product: a cross between muffin and biscuit....hmmm maybe should call them scones instead...
All 9 pcs of them. But we really enjoy their hardwork. Delicious!

Monday, September 15, 2008

I trade like a kimono trader

Attended forex training with hubby.
It is an extension of life transforming session for me ever since Dr Aaron course on Rich People Poor People.
It still ring in my head, vividly so clear, on what Dr Aaron had mentioned ---- "If you dont like money, give it to me coz i know how to transfer it to those people who really needs them."
It's true that in my money profile, i had that " i dont deserve that dirty money" thinking in me.

But as of now, thinking of the thoughts of being able to channel what i have earned to the children who needs them for their education and other life sustaining nessacities, it really wet my eyes.

It is not solely about becoming a kimomo trader. It is about life transforming opportunity which i wanted to share with the children. Not children biologically from me, but to all those children that are in needs. Such as those in Myanmar, in Sichuan, etc etc....

It ached my conscience if i cant do anything for you, my children, and i mean the children of the world!

This is for you! From the bottom of my heart!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Garbage Enzyme - Part 3


1. 酵素加水稀釋後會更強。
2. 酵素肥料 1 酵素: 100cc 水
3. 酵素殺蟲劑(昆蟲) 1 酵素: 1,000cc 水
4. 酵素空氣清新劑 1 酵素: 200cc 水
5. 種植、栽培花草、水果 1 酵素: 500cc 水
6. 消毒用 1 酵素: 500cc 水
7. 洗髪液,沐浴露,洗衣液,洗碗用: 1 酵素: 1洗洁液 : 10 水

Friday, April 11, 2008

Garbage Enzyme - Part 2

Here is how to make Garbage Enzyme:
Ingredients: Molasses/Black Sugar, Vege/Fruit Leftover, Water

Molasses/Black Sugar: Vege/Fruit Leftover: Water = 1:3:10
Weight (example)
Molasses/Black Sugar 200 g 500 g 1 kg
Vege/Fruit Leftover 600 g 1.5 kg 3 kg
Water 2 litre 5 litre 10 litre

1. Mix brown sugar with water, add in the leftover
2. Leave some space for frementation
3. Enzyme will form and ready to use in 3 months.
4. Make sure the containeris air tight
5. Push the floating garbage downward once a while.
6. The enzyme if ready to use in 3 months. The residue can be reused for the next production by adding fresh garbage. It can also be used as fretilizer by drying the residue, blending and buried in the ground.
7. The smell of the enzyme should be something like overiped orange.
8. Place your container in dry and cool place.
9. If you see your enzyme turn black, it means it is unsuccessfull. Just add in same amount of sugar in it will do.
10. If you see maggots in it, its ok, just leave it and it will die off in the fermentation process.
11. It's ok to see a layer on top in the color of white/brown/black.

Happy Trying!! Now i have 2 bottles under my kitchen sink. They will be ready in another 2 months. Mom is having a whole bucket. According to her, using pineapple will produce "stronger" enzyme...meaning that the power of cleansing will be greater.

Next, I will share on what to do with it...

Garbage Enzyme - Part 1

At last, i have decided to write about it due to Shida encouragement. Got to start some where, right?
I have used this for some months. First got to use it from sis when she came back from Thailand with a 500ml bottle of garbage enzyme.
It amazed me when i used it to clean my sink and apparently the dirt came out easily without any scrubbing, just use toothbrush and the sink remained clean for longer time. Then came my floor and toilet bowl which remained clean without stain for longer time too. Then Mom went to listen to Jo Ann's seminar and she got to learn from her. She came back and did some with our homegrown "Nangka". It turned out to be the best cleaner for my overcooked pot. The stain came off esily with some light rubbing. Now i am making my own and will be harvested in another 2 months.

What's is Garbage Enzyme?
- It is a complex organic substance of protein chain and mineral salt and juvenile hormone.

What is Garbage Enzyme usage?
1. Agriculture:
- reduce over use on chemicals
- keep farm free from infections and insects
- can be used to fertilize the soil for vegetable growing
- as natural herbicide and pesticide
- convert sandy land to fertile farm land
- keep clean and cool air in the farm atmosphere.
- clean impureand dirty water in the farm.
2. Household:
- as household cleanser: such as detergent, dish washing detergent,
- remove foul odor, mold and grime in the kitchen and bathroom.
- as disenfectant
- remove odor from pets and cigarettes
- for ticks and carpets
- for ironing and washing
- for hallway and beadroom
- forcar maintenance

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Election day

This is my third time casting vote.
This is the only time that i had a sudden gush of sadness flowing in me when i cross on the little boxes.
GOing back to my alma meter to cast vote bring back a lot of nostalgic memory too.
Be it about the atmosphere that i had along together with my teachers, my classmates and also the activities that we had. With my teachers and classmates and friends, it's about relationship and nothing else. It had never cross my mind on who we are, what races we were. I remember so well that we would gather at Cikgu Majmin house during Raya, and went to Mrs. Ho house for Chrstimas and going to Mrs Puah house for a last visit before she was transferred to another state. We went all the way to Noraini house for rendang and ketupat in the middle of a paddy field.

But when we were running our very own Chinese language society, there is always a sense of belongingness among us who self declared ourselves to be very "pro chinese". Come on during that time, we really need more to commit to take up Chinese subject so that we have enough quota for a class. And moreover, what's wrong with taking up your mother tongue language after learning it for more than 9 years? There were so much talk and sensation going on.... I just love the way we did it, though seem to be a bit aggressive, but that's how it taught me how to appreciate our own culture more.

I must admit having borned, raised and had my education here, i really regard this piece ofland as truly my my blood. No matter what, this is my place i called home. i wish that we could live in true sense of harmony and belongingness..... oh i wish that justice and peace can be seen everywhere.

May there be peace, harmony and justice.
May all who win be the guiding light of the rest of the people.
May all who lost be prepared to continue to serve the people as this is only a journey not a destiny.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Jo Ee first cooking class

This is Jo Ee first cooking class.
Ingredient : Omega L size egg, frying oil
1. First, Mummy hits up the oil in the frying pan using medium flame.
2. Then, Mummy breaks the egg shell in the oil.
3. Jo Ee starts to fry the egg till it is all cooked.
4. Mummy switches off the gas stove
4. Jo Ee scoops the egg and place on the plate.

Ta-da...everybody love the eggs she fried. Yummy yummy!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

About Homeopathy II

Never finish with what we have gained from Homeopathy yet....
Once, Jo Von stepped on a bee and i thought it was nothing really serious since Daddy had already "took" out the stinger. And we have applied some apple cider vinegar on it. But few days later, she started to complain of pain on one of her toes. She was tip toeing instead of walking.
On learning that a friend's daughter actually got to go through surgery to take out the remaining stinger, we quickly went to Dr Ooi for her homeopathy medication.
Amazingly, after 2 days, the black mark on Jo Von's toe have gone missing!
It was like the stinger was "pushed" out!
Too bad didnt take a photo of it...but it only strengthened our beliefs on homeopathy medication as an alternative way....

p/s: Jo Von had never taken any paracetamol or cough mixture, let alone antibiotic. Coz each time she took it she will vomit everything out, including her previous meal of "nen nen" too.

But of course,we are still very grateful to the invention of Western medicine especially on the way tumour is removed, quick diagnosis is done, etc etc...
It's just that when we come to the "overwhlemed" medication that is offered by doctors nowadays, we simply dont feel like we want to do it this way.

About Homeopathy

Ever since Jo Von was born, she has been under homeopathy treatment for fever, cold or even eczema.We are happy to come to know Dr. Ooi (fr Pantai Jerjak) who is full of patience. Not to mention the happiness on no need to rely on paracetamol, antibiotic, antihistamin or steroid etc etc. Not that we are totally against Western medicine but being able to cut down the depency on these Western medicine means we are reducing the potential health side effect.

It’s really amazing to see how a child react upon the homeopathy medicine treatment. For example, even during fever, Jo Ee or Jo Von will recover fast( as fast as paracetamol or voltran can do) . Fast enough to regain their activeness right after a viral/bacterial attack.

I think one of the things that i like the best about homeopathy is the medicine is extracted from herbs or life animals when they are not at the state of fear.