Friday, July 22, 2011

To Waldorf or Not To Waldorf?

Whether or not you Waldorf has got to go back the first question on: "What makes you come to Waldorf education?"
The moment you started to search for an alternative for the current schooling system, you know you are bound to change for better.
You cant remain in a nutshell of ignorant when you are already directed to the door of Waldorf.
You can, of course, remain in your previous ways of educating your children, but one thing for sure, that you will never be the SAME old you.
You know, that, one thing for sure, you will keep learning....the Waldorf ways....
coz that's ultimately the main reason of education --- to keep learning and learning, even though you may know a lot but you will still remain as humble as can be, and at the same time enjoy the learning process as much as you can.

If not to Waldorf, I am sure whenever there is a seminar on how to make parent better/happier or how to destress a busy working parent, or a workshop on how to produce a smarter & brighter kid or how to score A the easy way, your heart will direct you to look on how to squeeze time out of busy calendar to make up for this supposingly 'influential and great enough' program. You are probably searching for a quick fix or one time deal solution that will ease you to better sleep days.

If not Waldorf, you will probably be thinking of.....
- migration? - but...hmmmm...that doesnt happen so soon, and what about the rest of my families?
- homeschooling? -- since this is a current 'trend' now. But what about curriculum?
- get involve in politics to change the education? -- neh, dream la. Get KOTOR first before this comes in picture

Back to the question again, "To waldorf or not to Waldorf?"
I think that has to be changed to "To change or not to change?"
Or "To learn or not to learn?"

Next Question: Do you really need a Waldorf school?


  1. I am very glad to have known you. My perspective of life changed and I am so much positive now. Be it Waldorf or not. I think it is a way we live life, be grateful. When the heart is calmed, everything seems to move on perfectly well.

    Just last night, I was comparing again between Waldorf and Montessori which seems to have so much similarities. I must say that , both are not just an "education" system, it is a philosophy. Philosophy of living life and Waldorf had touched the spiritual side of it and I am appreciating it more now.

  2. Dear Elaine, I am glad i am drawn to you too! :) You are such a lovely mother and woman of your own! hehe...Frankly, to Waldorf or not, i am still not too sure. But i would like this to be part of me and till then i dont have to label it is Waldorf or not. And I would like to see more Dharma in it and more Buddhahood in myself as it goes....just like how the true nature should be. To me, there is certainly no such thing as Waldorf, it is a label on 'Simplicity of life'...but till then i still need to use the word Waldorf to replace it. Just like using LV to draw people to use a bag. haha!

  3. The essence of it is to go back to the most basic. To live in harmony with nature/environment. To have the inner peace of mind and soul, that's the ultimate goal

  4. yup...agree. :) it surprised me though when Steiner mentioned the whole purpose of Waldorf is to Reincarnate.

  5. The more i read the more i "look" to my life.

    1. Moo Mummy, i was looking to my life too. I am still looking at my life this present moment. Living at the present moment is the KEY! Sukhi Hotu. May you well and happy! :)
