Thursday, August 30, 2012

National Day

In the spirit of National Day, the kids and I are enjoying this song while contemplating what we can do to serve the nation. The old wise man studied knowledge and gained wisdom so that they could serve better to the nation....They didnt study to get more As or more money. “Kerana perpaduan,Kita masih bersama” Kerana keamanan di tanahairku yang bebas dari bencana alam, kita masih lagi bernafas. 古人圣贤先修道,即修养道德,是为了齐身齐家再齐国,而非为了多少赚多少钱,因为长养的是对名利的贪染。 佛法上的四重恩:“父母恩,国家恩,众生恩,三宝恩。”真的是,没有父母就没有我们,没有国家就不会有平安的家园。 国庆。感恩这片土地,让我平安的渡过了这么多年。 -------- Once again, today we took different mode of transportation. As we were taking the ferry and bus ride back to kampung, the kids learnt to read signboards like "Penumpang berjalan kaki sahaja.","Sila berada di kenderaan masing2." JE was 'forced' to go to information counter to ask for which platform to go to. We walked together with many races....towards one direction. We(the kids, myself and all other people on the platform) sweat together like smelly bulls in the hot sun. We waited for unscheduled bus to board. We squeezed in the bus without the need to line up coz this was our culture.....but no one would get hurt. We get coop up in the bus, not to mention the spoiled curtain that was not doing any good to block the sunlight for 45 minutes. Finally, we hop down the bus and 'jalan kaki' balik. I thought how lucky the kids were ---- that they were able to experience wonderful experience like this. :) 能吃得苦的孩子,才能拥有幸福的未来,不是吗? 感恩这旅程,让我们有个圆满学习。

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


给他们自己准备午餐。今天是番薯泥,烫青豆,烫玉蜀黍,煎蛋,加面包。 竺妤削了番薯皮,柔帆切成番薯块,放进锅里煮。煮熟了,竺妤再压烂。 煎了蛋。 香喷喷的美食下肚后,竺妤说,我要换愿望了,我要做厨师。^.^ 不问,都知道她多么享受那个烹饪的过程了。

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


阿柔又再发表‘歪论’了。 妈咪,你知道吗,我喜欢印度人和马来人的。 为什么? 因为呵,如果我晒黑太阳晒黑的话,会给人以为我是马来人印度人,可是如果是马来人印度人的话,他们怎样晒都不要紧,不会晒黑的。