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All about my passion in --- cloth diapering, environmental friendly, natural healing, Buddha's words and teaching, Waldorf parenting, homeschooling and unschooling, etc
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sandwich roll with sausage and seaweed
Jo Ee had been asking me to buy her some sausage so that she can prepare us with the new recipe of sandwich that she had learnt in school. Since i was quite reluctant to buy the usual meat sausage from the store, i have finally got some vegetarian sausage from a frozen food shop after many attemptsof searching hi-and-lo on it's supplier.
Jo Ee say this is what we will need:
1. Some bread, with its edges cut off
2. Seaweed, cut into rectangle or square
3. Sausages(in this case vegetarian ones), cut into either halves
4. Mayonaise (I hv tried to get the one without milk and/or egg so that Jo Von can enjoy it as much as we do)
Then, to make Mummy has a cleared picture on how to cut the bread and seaweed, Jo Ee draw it at on a piece of paper, to tell the proportion of each dimension for each ingredient.
(This may look a bit blur because it was a bit out of light)

1. First you cut the bread in rectangular shape, and sausage into halves, like this.

2. Then you roll the sausage with the bread, like this:
(Note: this little hands belong to Jo Ee)

3. after that, you prepare the seaweed by cutting it into longer rectangular shape, because you are going to use this to wrap the bread.

4.Ta you see this long strip of seaweed? will spread some mayonaise on it, so that it will stick nicely on the bread when you roll it.

5. Hmmm..... Jo Ee is rolling it slowly with lots of patience.

6. At last, these are all the sandwich roll with sausage and seaweed that is done with much love.... Enjoy!!

Mummy, Daddy and JoVon were all asking for more and more!!
Jo Ee say this is what we will need:
1. Some bread, with its edges cut off
2. Seaweed, cut into rectangle or square
3. Sausages(in this case vegetarian ones), cut into either halves
4. Mayonaise (I hv tried to get the one without milk and/or egg so that Jo Von can enjoy it as much as we do)
Then, to make Mummy has a cleared picture on how to cut the bread and seaweed, Jo Ee draw it at on a piece of paper, to tell the proportion of each dimension for each ingredient.
(This may look a bit blur because it was a bit out of light)
1. First you cut the bread in rectangular shape, and sausage into halves, like this.
2. Then you roll the sausage with the bread, like this:
(Note: this little hands belong to Jo Ee)
3. after that, you prepare the seaweed by cutting it into longer rectangular shape, because you are going to use this to wrap the bread.
4.Ta you see this long strip of seaweed? will spread some mayonaise on it, so that it will stick nicely on the bread when you roll it.
5. Hmmm..... Jo Ee is rolling it slowly with lots of patience.
6. At last, these are all the sandwich roll with sausage and seaweed that is done with much love.... Enjoy!!
Mummy, Daddy and JoVon were all asking for more and more!!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Vegetarian confinement recipe- English Version
Extract from Dr. Jiang Shuhui’s book & "you fu tong xiang"
First two week
- “Su He” pil
- Whole wheat bread/whole wheat biscuit/(black glutinous rice + dried orange peel + old ginger + black/crystal sugar + longan)
- High protein drink (grain powder/milo/soybean flour)
- “Sheng Hua” soup (1-2 placard): Dong Quai当归3 钱,川弓2钱,桃仁2钱,炮姜炭3钱,甘草, any chinese medicine shop will have their own formula but should work the same. The main reason of taking this soup is get rid of the ----> Or replace with boiling old ginger with black sugar
1. Unpolished brown rice/organic noodles/mee suah/(sesame oil + ginger + grape wine fried rice)
2.a) “Tang Shen”(Codonopsis pilosula) + red dates water
b) Red dates tea (red dates + “ji zhi”(qi sub) + “tang shen” (codonopsis pilosula) + Dong quai (Chinese angelica) + black dates)
c) The unpolished rice tea (Wash and dry the unpolished brown rice, fry with ginger pieces. When it’s almost ready put in some Dong Quai pieces. You can keep this in jar. Prepare the tea by pouring hot water on some rice in hot water flask. Let it soak for a while before you drink. You can pour in more water for second or third time.)
a) Black soybeans + “serai”(“chang mao”- in Hokkien)
b) Cook pure ginger soup
c) Tamarind juice
d) Old ginger juice
e) Red bean ginger soup (red bean + “pak hap” + black sugar + old ginger + rice wine)
f) longan soup
g) 冬虫草 “Tong chong chao” + red dates + “ji zhi”(qi sub) + “Tang Shen”(codonopsis pilosula)
h) black soybeans + red dates + black fungus (“hei mu er” or auricularia auricular) + “Tang Shen”(codonopsis pilosula) + wine to make soup
4. Main dish (add ginger and sesame oil):
a) lady’s finger
b) sweet bean
c) cowpea
d) corn
e) dried beancurd
f) raisin
g) steamed bean-jam bun
h) black soybean
i) potato
j) broccoli
k) shiitake mushroom
l) black fungus “hei mu er” or auricularia auricular
m) black and white sesame seed
n) “san bao fen” three treasures powder
o) carrot
p) vegetable heart
q) sweet potato leaf
r) jack bean
(Don’t take water spinach, bean sprouts, cucumber, leaf mustard, cabbage)
After latter two weeks (or menstruation few)
- “Su He” pil
- Whole wheat bread/whole wheat biscuit/(black glutinous rice + dried orange peel + old ginger + black/crystal sugar + longan)
- High protein drink (grain powder/milo/soybean flour)
1-3: (same as above)
3 i) Blood-tonic-relieve-sickness soup (“nan jiang” or “lengkuas” in Malay (south ginger), “serai” or “chang mao” in Hokkien (cymbopogon spp), pepper grain, vegetarian “mutton”, black soybean)
4. Main dish (add ginger and sesame oil): - as above-
5.After 3 weeks: Apple, grape, pineapple
First two week
- “Su He” pil
- Whole wheat bread/whole wheat biscuit/(black glutinous rice + dried orange peel + old ginger + black/crystal sugar + longan)
- High protein drink (grain powder/milo/soybean flour)
- “Sheng Hua” soup (1-2 placard): Dong Quai当归3 钱,川弓2钱,桃仁2钱,炮姜炭3钱,甘草, any chinese medicine shop will have their own formula but should work the same. The main reason of taking this soup is get rid of the ----> Or replace with boiling old ginger with black sugar
1. Unpolished brown rice/organic noodles/mee suah/(sesame oil + ginger + grape wine fried rice)
2.a) “Tang Shen”(Codonopsis pilosula) + red dates water
b) Red dates tea (red dates + “ji zhi”(qi sub) + “tang shen” (codonopsis pilosula) + Dong quai (Chinese angelica) + black dates)
c) The unpolished rice tea (Wash and dry the unpolished brown rice, fry with ginger pieces. When it’s almost ready put in some Dong Quai pieces. You can keep this in jar. Prepare the tea by pouring hot water on some rice in hot water flask. Let it soak for a while before you drink. You can pour in more water for second or third time.)
a) Black soybeans + “serai”(“chang mao”- in Hokkien)
b) Cook pure ginger soup
c) Tamarind juice
d) Old ginger juice
e) Red bean ginger soup (red bean + “pak hap” + black sugar + old ginger + rice wine)
f) longan soup
g) 冬虫草 “Tong chong chao” + red dates + “ji zhi”(qi sub) + “Tang Shen”(codonopsis pilosula)
h) black soybeans + red dates + black fungus (“hei mu er” or auricularia auricular) + “Tang Shen”(codonopsis pilosula) + wine to make soup
4. Main dish (add ginger and sesame oil):
a) lady’s finger
b) sweet bean
c) cowpea
d) corn
e) dried beancurd
f) raisin
g) steamed bean-jam bun
h) black soybean
i) potato
j) broccoli
k) shiitake mushroom
l) black fungus “hei mu er” or auricularia auricular
m) black and white sesame seed
n) “san bao fen” three treasures powder
o) carrot
p) vegetable heart
q) sweet potato leaf
r) jack bean
(Don’t take water spinach, bean sprouts, cucumber, leaf mustard, cabbage)
After latter two weeks (or menstruation few)
- “Su He” pil
- Whole wheat bread/whole wheat biscuit/(black glutinous rice + dried orange peel + old ginger + black/crystal sugar + longan)
- High protein drink (grain powder/milo/soybean flour)
1-3: (same as above)
3 i) Blood-tonic-relieve-sickness soup (“nan jiang” or “lengkuas” in Malay (south ginger), “serai” or “chang mao” in Hokkien (cymbopogon spp), pepper grain, vegetarian “mutton”, black soybean)
4. Main dish (add ginger and sesame oil): - as above-
5.After 3 weeks: Apple, grape, pineapple
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Vegetarian confinement recipe 坐月其间的素食
这是我摘录 自 姜淑惠医师 的 <这样养育宝宝最健康> 及 <有福同享> 的食谱
我坐月时就是酱叫陪月婆煮。 吃得很开心。 :D
早餐: - 苏合丸
- 全麦面包 / 全麦饼干/陈皮糯米粥(糯米+陈皮+老姜+黑/冰糖+龙眼)
- 高蛋白饮料( 五谷粉 / milo / 豆粉 )
- 生化汤(1-2 帖): 当归3 钱,川弓2钱,桃仁2钱,炮姜炭3钱,甘草 ----> 或
午/晚餐:1。糙米饭 / 有机面条 / 面线 /(麻油+姜 + 葡萄酒炒饭)
2。 a) 党参红枣水
b) 红枣茶(红枣+杞子+党参+当归+黑枣)
c) 糙米茶 ( 糙米洗好晒干,和姜片炒,要好时加点当归。要喝时把一把放入热水壶加水,浸一浸再喝。)
3。汤 :
a) 黑豆水香茅
b) 纯炖姜汁
c) 黄姜汁
d) 老姜汁
e) 红豆姜(红豆 + 百合 + 黑糖 + 老姜 + 米酒)
g) 冬虫草 + 红枣 + 杞子+ 党参
h) 黑豆 + 红枣 + 黑木耳 + 党参+ 酒熬汤
4。 菜肴(加姜和麻油) :羊角豆 / 甜豆 / 长豆/ jagung / 豆干 / raisin / 豆包 / 黑黄豆 / 马铃薯 / broccoli / 香菇 / 黑木耳 / 黑黑白芝麻 / 三宝粉 / 红萝卜/ 菜心 / 蕃薯叶 / 四季豆 /
早餐: - 苏合丸
- 全麦面包 / 全麦饼干/陈皮糯米粥(糯米+陈皮+老姜+黑/冰糖+龙眼)
- 高蛋白饮料( 五谷粉 / milo / 豆粉 )
午 / 晚餐: 1-3: (如上)
i) 补血祛风汤 ( 南姜,香茅,胡椒粒,素羊肉,黑豆 炖汤)
4。 菜肴(加姜和麻油) :
羊角豆 / 甜豆 / 长豆/ jagung / 豆干 / raisin / 豆包 / 黑黄豆 / 马铃薯 / broccoli / 香菇 / 黑木耳 / 黑白芝麻 / 三宝粉 / 红萝卜/ 菜心 / 蕃薯叶 / 四季豆 /
5。3 星期后:苹果,葡萄,凤梨
我坐月时就是酱叫陪月婆煮。 吃得很开心。 :D
早餐: - 苏合丸
- 全麦面包 / 全麦饼干/陈皮糯米粥(糯米+陈皮+老姜+黑/冰糖+龙眼)
- 高蛋白饮料( 五谷粉 / milo / 豆粉 )
- 生化汤(1-2 帖): 当归3 钱,川弓2钱,桃仁2钱,炮姜炭3钱,甘草 ----> 或
午/晚餐:1。糙米饭 / 有机面条 / 面线 /(麻油+姜 + 葡萄酒炒饭)
2。 a) 党参红枣水
b) 红枣茶(红枣+杞子+党参+当归+黑枣)
c) 糙米茶 ( 糙米洗好晒干,和姜片炒,要好时加点当归。要喝时把一把放入热水壶加水,浸一浸再喝。)
3。汤 :
a) 黑豆水香茅
b) 纯炖姜汁
c) 黄姜汁
d) 老姜汁
e) 红豆姜(红豆 + 百合 + 黑糖 + 老姜 + 米酒)
g) 冬虫草 + 红枣 + 杞子+ 党参
h) 黑豆 + 红枣 + 黑木耳 + 党参+ 酒熬汤
4。 菜肴(加姜和麻油) :羊角豆 / 甜豆 / 长豆/ jagung / 豆干 / raisin / 豆包 / 黑黄豆 / 马铃薯 / broccoli / 香菇 / 黑木耳 / 黑黑白芝麻 / 三宝粉 / 红萝卜/ 菜心 / 蕃薯叶 / 四季豆 /
早餐: - 苏合丸
- 全麦面包 / 全麦饼干/陈皮糯米粥(糯米+陈皮+老姜+黑/冰糖+龙眼)
- 高蛋白饮料( 五谷粉 / milo / 豆粉 )
午 / 晚餐: 1-3: (如上)
i) 补血祛风汤 ( 南姜,香茅,胡椒粒,素羊肉,黑豆 炖汤)
4。 菜肴(加姜和麻油) :
羊角豆 / 甜豆 / 长豆/ jagung / 豆干 / raisin / 豆包 / 黑黄豆 / 马铃薯 / broccoli / 香菇 / 黑木耳 / 黑白芝麻 / 三宝粉 / 红萝卜/ 菜心 / 蕃薯叶 / 四季豆 /
5。3 星期后:苹果,葡萄,凤梨
Monday, July 9, 2007
Ni Ni is turning 1 already. Jo Ee and Jo Von are invited to Ni Ni's birthday party.
In fact we are invited to her birthday.Both JE and JV were pretty excited before that, from the part of buying birthday presents and to drawing her a card. They were all eagerly waiting for the time.
BTW, Ni Ni is also a Bumwear baby. Now she is rashes free already!
This is a time together with NiNi and her mummy, Elaine.

Aunty Elaine entertains us with bubble times.......

In fact we are invited to her birthday.Both JE and JV were pretty excited before that, from the part of buying birthday presents and to drawing her a card. They were all eagerly waiting for the time.
BTW, Ni Ni is also a Bumwear baby. Now she is rashes free already!
This is a time together with NiNi and her mummy, Elaine.
Aunty Elaine entertains us with bubble times.......
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Attend ACIM
Attended ACIM at City Bayview today.
Was quite a fulfilling day as i get to meet a lot of people too.
Holly was one. A friend that was befriended during Rich People Poor People(RPPP) few months ago.
A good sharing by Holly! Thanks....
It was indeed a miracle baby to enter this circle. A pregnacy at 40s is certainly a miracle to anyone.You must be full of courage and love to be able to be with this baby.
To Holly and her friend who want to initiate breast feeding:
I certainly hope that breast feeding will come easy to you.
Breast feeding to me is another fulfilling 'task' to me. Not really a task though, because i feel like i didnt really have to put much effort on it.
It just come naturally.
Afterall, as a pumping mum at work, it is also a session of 'destress' for me.
Enjoy breast feeding as much as you can!
Actually just a few preparation on breast pumps,milk storage bottles,ice cooler bag, ice packs and then you can off you go already!
Just let the breast feeding flow come naturally.
And i certainly will keep you all updated on the next meeting of Penang Adventist Breast Feeding Support Group meeting.
Was quite a fulfilling day as i get to meet a lot of people too.
Holly was one. A friend that was befriended during Rich People Poor People(RPPP) few months ago.
A good sharing by Holly! Thanks....
It was indeed a miracle baby to enter this circle. A pregnacy at 40s is certainly a miracle to anyone.You must be full of courage and love to be able to be with this baby.
To Holly and her friend who want to initiate breast feeding:
I certainly hope that breast feeding will come easy to you.
Breast feeding to me is another fulfilling 'task' to me. Not really a task though, because i feel like i didnt really have to put much effort on it.
It just come naturally.
Afterall, as a pumping mum at work, it is also a session of 'destress' for me.
Enjoy breast feeding as much as you can!
Actually just a few preparation on breast pumps,milk storage bottles,ice cooler bag, ice packs and then you can off you go already!
Just let the breast feeding flow come naturally.
And i certainly will keep you all updated on the next meeting of Penang Adventist Breast Feeding Support Group meeting.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Cloth is 'in'!
Cloth is 'in' thing...nowadays, to me.
First i cloth diaper my little Jo Von, and i have been loving it all the time. She knows how to say Bumwear upon looking at the photos too. We love every bit of it! Be it on the cost saving side, or on the fact that we dont have use disposables anymore.
This is Jo VOn in her posture with Bumwear.
Now, i am on cloth mesntrual pad and i am loving every bit of it too! Though i started with a little hesistance on the thought of washing 'bloody' pads, i really feel so comfortable with the piece of cloth on my panties. The feel of it is so ...'umph'.... relaxing too! Simply because i dont have to move my bum to accomodate the position of the uneasy disposables which are practically like sitting on a piece of paper.
And now this is the fnewly featured item in
I am so happy to be able to share this to all.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Some photos to remember
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Little Jo Von turn 2 already
Little Jo Von turn two already 2 today.
It also marks my breastfeeding to her for two full years.
Some may say what two long years to come to that.
But it have always come natural for me to 'indulge' in breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding to no. 1, Jo Ee was an not really a successful one due to separation. So when Jo Von came along, i have really put in the effort and arrangement for full breastfeeding to happen.
It wasn't easy though, at first especially when i have to returned to work.
Pumping at work was really a tough thing at first coz there is practically no special room for pumping moms. I still remembered some colleagues even have to resort to pumping in toilets. That really 'YUK' me.
So when pumping at work is a problem, especially when you cant find a suitable place, try my tips here on
1. Buy 2 big enough sun shade to cover your car windscreen. This will definitely block to view of people passing in front of your car. Yes, you are right,i did this in my own little Kancil. But this is really a good place to start with. Because you will have all the time for yourself and you dont have to get worried on who is going to come into the room to check 'what is that sound?" coming out from your breast pump.
2. Next, buy 4 smaller sun shade to cover your fron left and front right windows. Two for each window. To cover up more view you can also buy 2 pieces of stick-on sun shade(but with lighter color so that you dont block the view of side mirror) for back left and front window.
3. You will only put up those sunshades, i.e. 2 big ones and 4 small ones, when you want to do your 'business'.
4. But of course in the case of pumping in the car, you will need to use a portable breast pump. A manual breast pump like Avent can probably be replaced if you can have longer break during working hours. For my case, i use Medela single pump.
5. Since the battery consumption can be quite high, you may want to consider using rechargeable battery. Each time you recharge it can last you for more than 1 week if you are pumping only once each day.
Friends always asked curiosly, cannot see you meh?
Good question! And i have even had an experience of a colleague who was so curios that she came looking through my sun-shaded window, but still she couldnt figure out what i was doing. And mind you, i was not even wearing any nursing wear or cover-all.
What i did was to smile back at her.
So, stay cool with this style of breast feeding coz you will really feel more relaxed. Especially when i can switch on the radio or my favourite cassette in my car.
One last thing, remember to switch on the air condition, leaving a little bit of your window open that you dont die of heat in your car if you dont park it under the shade.
It also marks my breastfeeding to her for two full years.
Some may say what two long years to come to that.
But it have always come natural for me to 'indulge' in breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding to no. 1, Jo Ee was an not really a successful one due to separation. So when Jo Von came along, i have really put in the effort and arrangement for full breastfeeding to happen.
It wasn't easy though, at first especially when i have to returned to work.
Pumping at work was really a tough thing at first coz there is practically no special room for pumping moms. I still remembered some colleagues even have to resort to pumping in toilets. That really 'YUK' me.
So when pumping at work is a problem, especially when you cant find a suitable place, try my tips here on
1. Buy 2 big enough sun shade to cover your car windscreen. This will definitely block to view of people passing in front of your car. Yes, you are right,i did this in my own little Kancil. But this is really a good place to start with. Because you will have all the time for yourself and you dont have to get worried on who is going to come into the room to check 'what is that sound?" coming out from your breast pump.
2. Next, buy 4 smaller sun shade to cover your fron left and front right windows. Two for each window. To cover up more view you can also buy 2 pieces of stick-on sun shade(but with lighter color so that you dont block the view of side mirror) for back left and front window.
3. You will only put up those sunshades, i.e. 2 big ones and 4 small ones, when you want to do your 'business'.
4. But of course in the case of pumping in the car, you will need to use a portable breast pump. A manual breast pump like Avent can probably be replaced if you can have longer break during working hours. For my case, i use Medela single pump.
5. Since the battery consumption can be quite high, you may want to consider using rechargeable battery. Each time you recharge it can last you for more than 1 week if you are pumping only once each day.
Friends always asked curiosly, cannot see you meh?
Good question! And i have even had an experience of a colleague who was so curios that she came looking through my sun-shaded window, but still she couldnt figure out what i was doing. And mind you, i was not even wearing any nursing wear or cover-all.
What i did was to smile back at her.
So, stay cool with this style of breast feeding coz you will really feel more relaxed. Especially when i can switch on the radio or my favourite cassette in my car.
One last thing, remember to switch on the air condition, leaving a little bit of your window open that you dont die of heat in your car if you dont park it under the shade.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Picnic at Youth Park
We have a wonderful picnic yesterday, despite the rain.
Didn't expect so many to join in. We have Erica, Kai Ling, Yik Shan, Hong Zhen, Jordan, Jessie and Jeff to join in with Jo Ee and Jo Von!! That's really a big crowd for first timer like us. I mean though we do have picnic before, but this huge gathering was really something that the kids will certianly cherish this moment of happy hours.
I dont think they will remember exactly what is happening in school when they grom up, but moment of fun in the rain and swimming pool with so many friends will definitely be a memory that last.
I look forward to the next gathering, just like any kids awaiting for the next moment of fun out there in the nature park. In fact going to shopping complex doesnt exchange that level of happiness.
Didn't expect so many to join in. We have Erica, Kai Ling, Yik Shan, Hong Zhen, Jordan, Jessie and Jeff to join in with Jo Ee and Jo Von!! That's really a big crowd for first timer like us. I mean though we do have picnic before, but this huge gathering was really something that the kids will certianly cherish this moment of happy hours.
I dont think they will remember exactly what is happening in school when they grom up, but moment of fun in the rain and swimming pool with so many friends will definitely be a memory that last.
I look forward to the next gathering, just like any kids awaiting for the next moment of fun out there in the nature park. In fact going to shopping complex doesnt exchange that level of happiness.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
我 “重出江湖”了
· 那一天,我走过时光的隧道。我看到了中学时期时我多么的执着于环保行动。还记得那时看到别人不惜福,我就心疼得几乎要和人打架。:)
· 那时多么坚持要用手帕,不用纸巾。也因为要减少使用塑料而情愿多用手也不用塑料。那是的我是朋友眼中的怪物。可是怪物终归有怪物的快乐。因为环保行动所以觉得很有贡献,对自己和对社会。
· 后来在大学时我的‘行动’ 缓慢下来了。不是因为我老了,或患上老人痴呆症或什么,而是那时参与了宗教活动,比较常往自己去探讨。环保行动于是就那么自然的只要求自己来做。从抄笔记不用全新的test pad而只用印了单面的复印纸到依旧坚持要用手帕,不用纸巾,我重来不觉得孤独。因为一路走来,有缘来相聚的人也越来越多。尤其在抄笔记不用全新的test pad而只用印了单面的复印纸这方面,我逐渐发现身边的同学也越来越多在做着这个行动。我当然不敢说这是我的影响力,因为要是因为我而改变,那或许不是长远的。但是任何一个动作如果是发自内心的,那一定是长远,而且不容易改变的或受人左右的。
· 然而有了孩子后,我的生活节奏有了改变之外,我发现自己已不知不觉闯出我的环保小圈圈。比如我为了出门时万一发生 “突发” 时间如呕吐,大便等等,便开始带纸巾。而最难避免的便是要使用不能再循环的纸尿布。纵使已经在白天尽量lampin,可是到了晚上还是免不了要向纸尿布 “致敬” 。有时看到纸尿布里挤出了一粒粒的gel, 却怎么也想不出一个完美的代替品。自己隔天又得工作,那来的精力一直起来换lampin?
· 后来有了这新时代的布尿布,我除了雀跃于宝宝不在需要用化学包屁股外(因为纸尿布里充满了致癌化学) ,我也重新这个让我 “重出江湖” 的机会,让我得于与更多的妈妈们分享一个没有致癌成分又耐久不湿的新时代的布尿布。
· 在此,我诚心的邀请您来了解这新时代的布尿布,目的不为什么,只为了您宝宝未来的健康,以及这世界的未来。
· 来吧,来看看 能带来的改变。
p/s 1: 星期五在槟州大会堂听到 “世界醒醒吧” ,我想起那是罗子申和海螺的杰作。我也该醒来和各位亲爱的朋友分享了,如果我还关心地球的话。p/s 2: 今早在Upper Penang Road 听到播放Zainal Abidin 的Hijau, 我有种想哭的感觉哩,还记得曾经播这首歌给学生听,但是很多时候很多人都不会在依然拥有时好好珍惜。比如我们蔚蓝色的天空,比如我们的青草地,还有我们共有的空气与大树
· 那时多么坚持要用手帕,不用纸巾。也因为要减少使用塑料而情愿多用手也不用塑料。那是的我是朋友眼中的怪物。可是怪物终归有怪物的快乐。因为环保行动所以觉得很有贡献,对自己和对社会。
· 后来在大学时我的‘行动’ 缓慢下来了。不是因为我老了,或患上老人痴呆症或什么,而是那时参与了宗教活动,比较常往自己去探讨。环保行动于是就那么自然的只要求自己来做。从抄笔记不用全新的test pad而只用印了单面的复印纸到依旧坚持要用手帕,不用纸巾,我重来不觉得孤独。因为一路走来,有缘来相聚的人也越来越多。尤其在抄笔记不用全新的test pad而只用印了单面的复印纸这方面,我逐渐发现身边的同学也越来越多在做着这个行动。我当然不敢说这是我的影响力,因为要是因为我而改变,那或许不是长远的。但是任何一个动作如果是发自内心的,那一定是长远,而且不容易改变的或受人左右的。
· 然而有了孩子后,我的生活节奏有了改变之外,我发现自己已不知不觉闯出我的环保小圈圈。比如我为了出门时万一发生 “突发” 时间如呕吐,大便等等,便开始带纸巾。而最难避免的便是要使用不能再循环的纸尿布。纵使已经在白天尽量lampin,可是到了晚上还是免不了要向纸尿布 “致敬” 。有时看到纸尿布里挤出了一粒粒的gel, 却怎么也想不出一个完美的代替品。自己隔天又得工作,那来的精力一直起来换lampin?
· 后来有了这新时代的布尿布,我除了雀跃于宝宝不在需要用化学包屁股外(因为纸尿布里充满了致癌化学) ,我也重新这个让我 “重出江湖” 的机会,让我得于与更多的妈妈们分享一个没有致癌成分又耐久不湿的新时代的布尿布。
· 在此,我诚心的邀请您来了解这新时代的布尿布,目的不为什么,只为了您宝宝未来的健康,以及这世界的未来。
· 来吧,来看看 能带来的改变。
p/s 1: 星期五在槟州大会堂听到 “世界醒醒吧” ,我想起那是罗子申和海螺的杰作。我也该醒来和各位亲爱的朋友分享了,如果我还关心地球的话。p/s 2: 今早在Upper Penang Road 听到播放Zainal Abidin 的Hijau, 我有种想哭的感觉哩,还记得曾经播这首歌给学生听,但是很多时候很多人都不会在依然拥有时好好珍惜。比如我们蔚蓝色的天空,比如我们的青草地,还有我们共有的空气与大树
Friday, March 30, 2007
huhuh.... no no..... ma ma
Little Jo Von was playing by herself when i was picking my forehead pimples again, unknowingly though. She seemed to have noticed this and she started to mumble something like "huhuh.... no no .... ma ma". Then i asked her 'who will scold(ma ma) mummy?' She actually understood and answered "Daddy." Marvelous! How could she know that? And how could she answer the exact thing that the father will do?
Monday, March 19, 2007
My beloved friend,YZ
It never occured to me that i will meet up YZ's friend,SChai who is also my little JE's classmate's mother. SChai spoke about YZ's son who may be showing the sympoms of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). It's certainlly not a thing to celebrate upon knowing the latest update about my dear friend here. What could you expect to live on having been through the death of one's own brothers and father. As if there was not enough to torture the life of a being, she had her mom dying in her arm years later. What could be more traumatic than this? I felt so sad for a friend. Though i say i can understand how she felt when she cried knowing the fact that the son has also carrying the same genetic disorder as her brothers, on what account i REALLY UNDERSTAND?! But i am not frustrated over whoever. It's probably a reflection of myself. ....just cant dread to see a suffering of a being....
Prayers is not the last option but is always the option.
I pray that :
May YZ and her little boy be blessed with strength and ability to walk through this path of life.
May the Buddha's guiding light always be with you.
It's definitely not because of what you are encountering that i feel sympathy, but just simply because of you are my friend.
May i too be blessed with strength to be with you when you are in need.
May YZ's little girl be blessed with strength to be the pillar of support for the family.
May this be an opportunity to make us more aware of the impermenance of life..... that we all should appreciate life as it is, in the very moment.
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!
Prayers is not the last option but is always the option.
I pray that :
May YZ and her little boy be blessed with strength and ability to walk through this path of life.
May the Buddha's guiding light always be with you.
It's definitely not because of what you are encountering that i feel sympathy, but just simply because of you are my friend.
May i too be blessed with strength to be with you when you are in need.
May YZ's little girl be blessed with strength to be the pillar of support for the family.
May this be an opportunity to make us more aware of the impermenance of life..... that we all should appreciate life as it is, in the very moment.
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
My two little ones
Jo Von was playing with Jo Ee in Ah Kong house, when we suddenly heard the big one screaming for mummy. We rushed in to see what happened, only to know that we should get a good laugh out of their act. You know the little one was actually quite fascinated in playing with two tiny lizard eggs that she just found from the corner. She must be too excited and curious to know what could happen if she were to put on more pressure on the shell and the next moment she was already breaking it letting the premature lizards out!! And then she must be thinking what could happen if she were to place it somewhere.... and then the next moment film shot went to the Big sis.... coz Jo Von has actually pinched the tiny lizard and let it crawled on Jo Ee's leg!!! What would I do if i were Jo Ee?? I will definitely do exactly what she is doing.... i.e. scream for Mummy from the my lungs and heart!!! Yurgggggghhhhh!! ...... and so this answer the curiosity of little Jo Von.
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