Monday, December 13, 2010

Lorong Kulit Pineapple

Saw an old makcik selling Bali Pineapple at Lorong Kulit at the price of RM 2/kg. Instantenously i bought 2. They were priced at RM 5 only! Cheap! Then i grabbed another 2 pomelo which makcik said 'manis', '2 biji RM5'. So all for RM 10 + my beaming joy on getting cheap and good for our favorite fruits.
On the way while we were in the car, i told hubby about this Cheap Encounter with the makcik. YJ said i should tell the makcik to jack up the price a bit since she was selling way to cheap...especially on the Bali Ong. YJ was suggesting maybe i should tell makcik to sell at RM3/kg since there were many selling at RM5/kg.
Jo Von interrupted and said, "But she wants to sell cheaper so that she can sell them fast ma...."
Daddy was amazed by a 5 yr old thought.... coz this is a concept of "薄利多销"(Profit with volume)!
Then jie jie quickly added in, "I also know about this ma...but i didnt say it out."