Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cookies baking

It's school holiday time again! we got some cookies mould from "xiao yi poh".
Mummy own creation of easy baking cookies recipe:
2 cups butter
1 1/4 cups sugar
2 eggs
2 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
No kitchen scale used, only measuring cup, so that it's easier for the girls,
1 1/4 was a bit difficult to measure. Nevertheless, explaining between 1 1/2 and 1 cup is easier to do.

JE mixed butter and sugar together, mummy blend them together.
Then add the rest.
But then only we realize the dough is too soft for cookies, so mummy add some more flour to make it hard enough. Dont ask me how much i have added it. But it was just nice so that we can press on it with rolling pin and make cookies mould shape out of it.

So the girls make the shapes and mummy bake them in the oven at 170-185oC.
oh gosh, my oven reading has faded so much that i can hardly see the temperature reading nowadays....just agak-agak on everything. :)

The freshly baked cookies tasted to nice that the first tray was immediately gulped by all those little lion cubs!

As time goes by, they begin to loose their patience on finishing all the flour. (LESSON LEARNT: the dough is too much, should have reduced it to half of the amount so that they can finish fast.)

At the end of the session, and as they have promised, they will have to do the clean up. From sweeping the floor to mopping the floor.
But of course, shouting is inevitable.
"CLEAN UP NOW! I SAID NOW!!!! NO MORE PLAYING!" --- coz the mop has turned into a toy to play with for the girls and you can hear giggles from them upon seeing each other act on the mop itself.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Daddy will wear 2 specs

阿柔:“daddy 你再躺着看书, 就会戴两个眼睛了。”


Art and Craft Session at Taska Lin

This happened some time ago.
I almost forgot about it completely until JE mentioned to me again today.

Decided to let both of them have an art and craft session at Taska Lin which adopted Waldorf education system.
Teacher Lin was giving them a session on Waldorf puppet making.
This means the 6 and 3 yrs old girls will have to use needles to sew the cloths of the puppet, draw the eyes and nose and also glue the hair.
Was an enjoyable session for both of them.
And took back the puppet back.
Each session was only RM 20(plus material) and lasted about 2-3 hours.
They even had a picnic at the taska bungalow compound after that. How fun!

JE told me the untold version of the time they were there:
Teacher Lin tried to warm them up by letting them to feed the little tortoise. While holding the tortoise food, which look so cute, JV had actually had a mouth of the tortoise food. Hmmm.....must be kind of different taste, and not sure if she really gobble the whole thing in or not. But lucky that Teacher Lin saw this and took out from her mouth. Then throw back to the tortoise.

Do you think you will still remember this, Von?