The girls are still in their pantang period of their chicken pox....We are really glad for this outbreak to come at the right time, i.e. school holiday means no school skipping.
They are really bored and muffin making is just the best happening for today!
I got to take away the egg in the ingredient and leave with just flour, milk, baking powder, cooking oil & sugar. And Jo Ee was actually the one who remember what we need to make muffin.
They started with putting some paper muffin cups on the muffin tray but i suggested to them why dont they start with sth play play here. They were so excited knowing that they are reall going to make all by themselves. Not like previously mummy will be the leader and they can only follow the leader.
So i wrote a simplified recipe with 1 cup flour, 1 tsp baking powder(got to leave out soda bicarbonate coz its really a spontaneous session and i have run out of it), 1/2 cup sugar, 1 cup milk(they have to mix and pour with the milk powder to come out with this measurement), 1/2 cup cooking oil.
Jo Ee took the lead. So one 6 yrs old is leading a 3 yr old in the cooking class now.
But then Jo Ee realize that the texture didnt turn out to be what we usually make, so she suggested that we add in more water to make it more dense. So she add in 1/2 cup water again. (But I am really not sure if this is what they add.)
My job is just to place them into the oven and watch them "grow".
The product: a cross between muffin and biscuit....hmmm maybe should call them scones instead...
All 9 pcs of them. But we really enjoy their hardwork. Delicious!