Saturday, October 24, 2009

Kids tagging along for seminar/talks

DH and I have always brought along the girls for any events we went, ever since they were as young as 5-6 months old.

We are proud of the girls who have always behaved nicely when they tagged along for seminars/talks/meetings. They really know how to settle themselves. Tips: we have never regarded kids as 'ma huan'(troublesome) and have let them be a part of our activities when they were as young as few months old.. Having them is a gift of love and a gift of life. 感恩!:)

Well, things doesn't happen just coz i am lucky. Had a hard time when elder girl was a colicky baby when she was 2 months old. Cried non stop every night, from 7pm to 12 am, did everything that others told, from swaddling her, apply ointment on tummy, superstitious acts like knocking her bum on the door before putting her to sleep while saying some mantras, etc....
And later i came to realize that many things has got to do with parents, or usually more related to mother. 凡事有因有缘呵. :) 所以当昨晚的讲座会看到场面刁蛮的孩子时,只是打从心底对其‘不爱负责任’的妈妈有所感触。孩子是自己的,怎可教别人调教啊?感慨感慨。

June was asking about "how u can let your little one to be so coorperate when u r attending seminar or talk?"

i think the parent mindset should come first. Let not our children be our 'burden'. Let them be the source of love n inspiration. I notice a lot Chinese parents nowadays always rgd kids as 'difficult to raise'. Unlike many Malay frens, which i really learn fr them --- parenting is so natural to them coz the love towards oneself and the kids... Read More conquer all. And this sort of 'LOVE' is simply without 'ownnership'. A change of mind will change the energy and thus having more 'cooperative' child. But then, it's not about controlling them.


  1. Hi, I am blog hopping and found yours. Love what you wrote here! =) Kids are definitely a gift, and not a burden!

  2. Dear Joan, Thanks for stopping by. :)
    Guess we are in the same boat ya!
    How old are your kids? :)
